

Seven apply for Lordstown council seat

Local News

LORDSTOWN — Seven residents have submitted their names to be considered for an open seat on village council. Those who applied for the position are Ernest Bowen, Stanley Czeck, Laurie Czoka, Mark McGrail, Jace Melick, Ron Radtka and Danielle Watson. Councilman Robert Bond said at ...

Hubbard gets update on road projects

Local News

HUBBARD — City council on Tuesday was given a timeline of when to expect several road projects to begin. Councilman Jerome Crowe, D-at Large, who oversees the city’s streets and sidewalks, explained to residents and council members during his report that the street committee discussed two ...

Columbus man arrested on theft charge in Liberty

Local News

Staff report LIBERTY — A Columbus man was released on bond Tuesday after being arrested by Liberty police Monday. Louis Hicks, 54, was charged with theft, obstructing official business and resisting arrest. According to the police report, officers were dispatched to the Liberty Plaza ...

Wall That Heals volunteers to meet

Local News

WARREN — The committee bringing The Wall That Heals back to the city in May is having a meeting at 6 p.m. today at the Packard Park Shelter House. Anyone interested in volunteering for the event is asked to attend. The shelter house is located between the skate park and Packard Music ...

Judge sets $100K bond for Chicago woman in forgery case

Local News

WARREN — A Chicago woman accused of possessing fraudulent identification documents was arraigned Tuesday in Warren Municipal Court. Judge Natash K. Natale set the woman’s bond at $100,000. Emileth Nohemi Briceno Rodriguez, 39, of Chicago, pleaded not guilty to forgery, a fifth-degree ...

On the record – Bazetta

Local News

WHAT: Township trustees meeting Feb. 11 PRESENT: Mike Hovis, Mike Morrelli and Bob McBride Trustees: • Approved the county engineer’s office to advertise for bids for the paving of McCleary Jacoby Road, which is an Ohio Public Works Commission project. • Approved the purchase of ...