My family and I have been Vienna Township residents for 24 years. For most of my time living here, it has been a very nice community. However, when this
$1 Million+ was mismanaged by our elected officials, things have gone downhill.
Residents are being asked to submit to ...
President Donald Trump is trying to dismantle the hard-won equal rights gains that have been in place for years. This includes a President Lyndon B. Johnson-era order safeguarding federal workers from discrimination. These gains remain essential as the playing field is still not ...
After the win by President Trump, the Dems are still talking the same way. He is a racist, he will put you in the back of the bus, etc. They pardoned everyone who was a crook and when Trump pardons the Jan. 6 people, he catches all heck.
We do not want illegals here. Just look ...
I would like to comment having read the comments from the Jan. 18 newspaper regarding possible increases for rental inspection fees.
I believe the writer is probably a landlord not wishing to pay a higher inspection fee. The two gentlemen being chastised are indeed owners of ...
Hubbard Trustees “inundated” by records requests.
Here, in my opinion, is a solution for all government
agencies who feel the public’s right to know is a time-consuming nuisance.
Why not start putting all public records online so the TAXPAYERS who pay for this ...
You are wondering why the Ohio legislature never addressed property taxes. They have been very, very busy working to preserve their gerrymander seats, taking away women’s rights, fussing about restrooms and locker rooms (no one cares) and claiming Haitians were eating ...