
On the record: Champion

WHAT: Board of Education meeting Monday

PRESENT: Aaron Abrahamson, David Mahan, John Pitts, Patricia Fisher and Jim Scher

The board:

• Approved summer projects, which are putting a new roof on the bus garage by Holko Energon Inc., for $32,266; paving of the fieldhouse by Miller Yount Paving for $43,500; and drainage work at the fieldhouse by Miller Yount Paving for $15,700.

• Entered into a one-year contract with Trumbull County Sheriff’s Office for a school resource officer for the 2024-25 year for $63,578 effective July 1.

• Hired Jasmine Santiago as a teacher at the elementary and high schools, Mark Taylor as an intervention specialist at the middle school, Emily Metheny as an intervention specialist at the high school, Damon Warren as a full-time bus driver, all effective Aug. 16, and Denise Warrix, special education secretary, effective Aug. 2.

• Approved an agreement with Cadence Care Network for two licensed and credentialed school social workers for $48,000 for 2024-25 year.

• Recognized retiring staff, Sandy Ciminero, middle school art teacher; Robert Brady, bus driver; and Jim Slater, custodian.

• Approved an agreement with Peak Performance Physical Therapy for sports medicine services for three years for $4,500 per year.

• Heard from Treasurer Laurena Rouan on the five-year forecast. She said the district will be “financially solvent for five years” and expected to have a carryover of $4.8 million in 2028, which is the fifth year of the forecast.


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