
Girard man pleads in OD death

Suspect charged with involuntary manslaughter

WARREN — A Girard man was arraigned in Common Pleas Court Thursday on involuntary manslaughter and other charges related to a fatal overdose in November 2023.

Tommy Lee Couch, 28, of 1300 Roberts Avenue NW, pleaded not guilty in the courtroom of Judge Ronald Rice to charges of involuntary manslaughter, corrupting another with drugs, both first-degree felonies, along with aggravated trafficking in drugs, a third-degree felony and trafficking in heroin and fentanyl-related product, both fourth-degree felonies.

Couch will be held in Trumbull County jail on a $250,000 bond. Rice told Couch if bond is posted, he’ll be placed on electronically monitored house arrest.

The defendant will appear before the assigned judge, Judge Sean O’Brien, for a May 29 pre-trial hearing.

Couch faces charges related to the November 2023 fatal overdose of 34-year-old Roxsanne L. Stevens, who was found lying in the kitchen by her then-boyfriend at a South Market Street residence.

On Nov. 2, 2023, Girard police officers responded to the residence around 6:30 a.m. after Stevens’ boyfriend called regarding her overdose. Officers met the caller, who led them to the kitchen where police say they found Stevens lying “pale and cold to the touch,” officers said.

Police administered two doses of Naloxone nasally, and additional first responders administered more intravenously, the report says. Stevens was revived and then transported to St. Elizabeth Hospital in Youngstown but around 7 a.m. she had suffered cardiac arrest, later dying.

Stevens’ boyfriend told police he had last seen her at midnight before she went to a red brick duplex near East Liberty Street and Highland Avenue.

Couch was one of two defendants arrested on secret grand jury indictments and arraigned in Rice’s courtroom Thursday morning.


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