
Burton Cole column

Driving drives me crazy

One of the greatest joys of my teen years was jumping in my car and driving. In my high school years, I tooled around in a 1972 Dodge Polara. A 1975 AMC Gremlin became my college years upgrade. One evening at the institution, three other inmates and I couldn’t decide which campus dining ...

I’m out of touch with touch screens

I studied the menu board as I ambled up the counter. But before I could get the word “Quesadilla” out, the teenage punk behind the cash register spoke first: “You have to use the kiosk to order.” He pointed behind me at one of those infernal touch-screen machines. Forty-some years ...

Hold the pumpkin spice and pass the half-price chocolate

Halloween is past and now it’s the most wonderful time of the year — big sales on trick or treat candy. What did you think I was going to say? Sure stores have been selling Christmas stuff since July, and by October, EVERYTHING comes in pumpkin spice variety. If we still had to lick ...

Dads aren’t as dopey as toy commercials claimed

The geezer counting out his change lost track and started counting over. The kid in his 20s bouncing behind him let loose a tirade about the doltishness of old people. “What is this, a nursing home?” the youngster groused. “I mean, look at that guy. He has to be in his 60s. He’s ...

Love, marriage and … now what did she tell me?

Marital truth of the day: “Nobody is more surprised than a husband hearing about his wife’s plans for the second time.” (Laura Marie Gordon) It’s a tired trope, the one about how husbands don’t actually listen to what their wives say. This is not true. I’m positive that every time ...

Things that go bump in the night — ME!

I remember when creepy was cool. As little kids, we spun chilling, ghoulish ghost stories full of severed hands and bloody eyeballs rolling across the floor to see which of us could scare the others the most. We giggled ourselves silly. The more horrific the tale, the louder we laughed and ...