
Letters to the Editor

Cleaning house at YSU should follow Zoldan gift

DEAR EDITOR: My faith in the credibility of YSU and its reputation in the Mahoning Valley was reinstated with Mr. Zoldan’s recent announcement to revisit his philanthropic donations to the university. It has been a well-received announcement. More importantly, taking said donation to ...

Sound off! Readers share their thoughts

Kudos to the artist of the editorial page’s Oct. 28 political cartoon, which reflects the view of the unrealistic phobia rampant among deranged Democrats. — Hubbard Americans of many different ethnicities helped win World War I and stormed the beaches at Normandy to win World War II. This ...

Remote learning must be minimized in US

DEAR EDITOR: Remote learning has become a new trend for elementary, middle and high schools. Remote learning may seem like the ideal way to enhance education for most, but the long-term drastic effects it can cause are becoming detrimental for the future of society. According to the ...

Dan Polivka deserves your vote

DEAR EDITOR: As my brother, Dan Polivka, runs for office, I feel compelled to share what he means to our family and community. I’ve witnessed firsthand his incredible work ethic and selflessness over the years—qualities that make him the right person for this role. Growing up in a ...

What has Kamala Harris really done?

DEAR EDITOR: What has Kamala Harris VP done for 3½ years? Zero. She decorated her VP suite for two years. Ninety percent of her staff quit, because she was difficult to work with. She went on talk radio shows and was asked if she smoked marijuana — she cackled and said, “Yes.” That ...

Trump and Harris are flawed choices

DEAR EDITOR: Current USA population is 345 million-plus, and, out of close to 400 million people, we have two flawed presidential candidates that are competing for the highest office in the land. They’re far from the best and the brightest we have in our nation. Why is it, we’re always ...