
McDonald mayor touts 2024 successes

McDONALD — Reflecting on the past year’s accomplishments, village Mayor Ray Lewis said the community moved forward despite news of McDonald Steel closing while getting roads paved and other projects completed.

Lewis gave his yearly address at last week’s village council meeting, noting the village was able to secure $150,000 in American Rescue Plan funds from the county commission for a new ambulance.

He said the village worked with KO Consulting to seek federal and state grants for safety services items and various projects. Lewis said the village already has secured $40,000 in grants and is applying for other grants totaling nearly $1 million.

Lewis said the village did face challenges, such as news that McDonald Steel was closing, but the property is being looked at for a new business.

He said the senior citizen program has expanded to offer more services to local residents. Lewis said the fire department summer festival, Oktoberfest and Christmas in the Village were successful.

Lewis said he will be more active working with Eastgate and the Mahoning River Mayors Association this year.

The village already has submitted an application to the Ohio Public Works Commission for the 2025 street paving, which includes Utah and Nebraska avenues and parts of Dakota Avenue.

To further discuss plans and projects for 2025, Lewis and village department heads will host a State of the Village forum at 7 p.m. Jan. 22 at McDonald High School auditorium.

Lewis said the forum will discuss where the village is and what is planned for 2025 and in future years.

In other business at the organizational meeting, council:

• Named councilman Sean Schmidt as council president pro-tem.

• Appointed councilwoman Kerry Reckard as council representative to the community chest, which helps residents and families in need.

• Hired Preston Hake as a new full-time police officer.

• Increased police uniform allowance from $660 to $900 per year per office effective Jan.1. The allowances include shirts, pants, uniforms and badges.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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