
Sound off!

I don’t understand the majority of “pro life” Republicans who are outraged at President Biden commuting the death sentence of several individuals. I thought pro life meant you are for human life and dignity, at the beginning of life as well as at the end! If you are truly pro life, you have to be anti-death penalty!

— Warren

Vienna Township’s former fiscal officer is sleeping well at home. She was never booked in the Trumbull County jail but maybe she was fingerprinted at the courthouse. We can’t be sure. She is checking in with her parole officer weekly. Maybe calling in, but who knows from where. Township money was embezzled for sure. To cover, it must have been the trustees or medics overtime that made this happen. It couldn’t have been that the fiscal officer was using a township credit card to purchase cigarettes, purses and parts for her business. It couldn’t be the use of a debit card taken out without permission or knowledge by the trustees. Seven felonies in 45 days, can’t wait for the report of the other 2.75 years. Why would the prosecutor ask for $15,000 bond and the judge order a $20,000 bond? She created finger pointing so that we wouldn’t look at her.


Our humanity is fading quickly. We are so worried about immigrants; we forget our grandparents and ancestors were immigrants. The Irish and the Italians came and were treated badly. Agriculture, service industries, construction, factories will all suffer for lack of workers as working Americans do not want these low-

paying jobs. We believed the MAGA propaganda that immigrants are bad people. Don’t worry, we have plenty of our own homegrown criminals, murderers and rapists. They “headline” daily.

— Liberty

Vienna trustees promote Plan 7 to raise our taxes, which means residents will bail our community out of “their mess. “ Big problem, who in Vienna is going to vote for increased taxes? So, when the levy fails, what is Plan B? It seems trustees fail to “appropriately plan,” which leads again to a plan to fail.

— Vienna

With President Jimmy Carter’s passing, all the platitudes he is receiving for his good works are well deserved. But, let us not forget how he abandoned the steel industry and its loyal union membership.

— Niles

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“Sound off!” publishes weekly to provide readers with a forum to applaud successes, constructively discuss issues and local problems or review events. Names are not included, but residential community must be included. Preference is given to local issues, but local election issues may not be discussed here. Sound off submissions must be 80 words or less. Submit longer commentary as “Letters to the Editor.” Submit your sound off via email to soundoff@tribtoday.com; or via the Virtual Newsroom by going to www.tribtoday.com and clicking “Submit News” and then “Sound off.” The deadline is Tuesday afternoon for sound offs to appear in the weekend edition.

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