
Sound off! Readers share their thoughts

Why don’t those drunken sots stay home and guzzle liquor til their brain fries dry instead of going out in their cars and driving under suspended licenses and taking the life of a young man who had everything to live for. Also a bride who never got to live her married life. These drunks should be lined up in front of a firing squad. They’re no good to society. Why should taxpayers have to support them? Putting them in jail will not change them, it’s murder! Take their life from them. The Bible says so!

— Warren

Kudos to Warren Councilwoman Honeya Price who blasted the administration and fellow councilmen during Warren City Council meeting dated 12/11/2024. She called them “snakes” over concerns about transparency for a $1.5 million community center. At least one council member can think on her own and will not follow like a sheep. Bravo to her.

— Warren

Why on God’s earth does the Tribune think the Valley wants to hear about Tim Ryan, much less his political ideas. Ryan was an absolute waste as our “representative.” He failed 20,000 of his own constituents.Thank goodness the Valley banded together and soundly defeated him here and in his lame presidential race. Good riddance Tim Ryan!

— Warren

Trumbull County commissioners cost the majority of County households thousands of dollars on utility bills by staying status quo on their aggregation choice of Buckeye Energy when NOPEC offered a better price for gas and electric. Along with the grants that NOPEC provides, county residents would have saved thousands of dollars. Buckeye’s owner Tom Belish donated significant funds to Cantalamessa’s and Frenchco’s campaigns, according to the County Board of Elections finance records. Welcome to the good old boys network Ms Frenchko. They gain, we suffer.

— Niles

So Dawn Zinni is going to take the place of Commissioner Frenchko in the recorder’s office? She doesn’t attend the commissioners workshop or meeting but sends her attorney. Great way to start; untrained and with lawsuits.

— Vienna

So Warren is giving $1.5 million to this Terrill Vidale, a rap music artist promoter who was fired as events promoter of Youngstown for not being able to do that job by that city’s city council, so he can build a community center on the southeast side. And this guy has been friends for 20 years with a current Warren City Council member? Is the mayor and Warren council that crooked to do this out in the open like this? Wow!

— Warren

The City of Girard owed a $1.68 million water bill to the City of Niles “due to negligence of the previous Girard administration”. Now Girard is increasing water rates 16% to pay back a loan required because of that negligence. “The rate increase would be used as a source of revenue to pay that loan back.” So now the consumer must pay for the city’s incompetence? Is this why $4.40/1000 gal. paid to Niles becomes $20.12 out of the tap in Liberty?

— Girard

Only negativity from those at “Good, Bad and Ugly” Jason Miner has stepped up to help as the Vienna Township Deputy Fiscal Officer. Yes he’s young but no one else has stepped up to help especially those from “GBU” who contribute nothing but ugly comments to our community. Where are their resumes? You should be embarrassed.

— Vienna

Why would anyone want to replace our award winning TC Recorder with someone that said that she will learn the Recorder job if elected? And she’s not sure if she will continue to reside in Trumbull County. Good choice?

— Vienna

Now that the elections are over, we need to realize that there are still changes that need to happen. That’s what the people voted for. Change. Our county commissioner board has been run by the newcomer for the past 2 years and we’ve had nothing but “gotcha” moments and fights. It’s time for a new chair of the commissioners for the sake of business and peace. Lets restore order to our county.

— Cortland

One of the dumbest and most economically dangerous proposals made by any president—-ever—is Trump’s idea to eliminate the FDIC. If one’s intent is to destroy trust in the banking system and make it into little more than a casino, destroy the regulatory powers of the FDIC. Who in their right mind would put deposits into any small to mid sized bank without the FDIC? Without the FDIC it would be difficult to know if not impossible if a bank was committing fraud, was violating safe loan practices or was able to repay its depositors, or was even insolvent. Americans voted for this?

— Cortland

In opposition to the Cortland writer of last week’s submission: There were actually two “priceless” scenes from the Ohio State-Michigan football game. The first was a dazed, unbelieving Coach Day standing in the middle of the post-game melee doing nothing. The second was the final score. At least Michigan’s coach was trying to help.

— Warren

Methinks that Mr. Biden should just sit and while away his remaining time in office. He has promised $10 billion (that’s with a B, folks!) to Ukraine. He has pardoned a felon (his son) after repeatedly saying he would not. He has commuted the sentences of 1500 people and has given pardons to 30+ others. President-elect Trump cannot take office fast enough!

— Warren

I find it amazing and ironic that the one-third-page Tribune article about Trump as Time’s “Person of the Year” did not include a single word about the fact that he is a convicted felon. Are we, as Americans, just supposed to overlook his criminal record and heap awards and honors on him as if nothing at all nefarious has happened since 2016? Don’t acts of fraud, insurrection, sexual assault, theft, adultery and dereliction of duty any longer have an impact on whom we choose to glorify as our finest examples? This meritorious award, disguised as embodying a sterling “news influencer,” is an insult to our nation!

— Warren

Most communities have laws on the books for how long people can display political signs. These laws don’t seem to be working. Here is a suggestion. Send an official notice, registered, to the taxpayer’s address informing them that they have 1 week to take down the signs or a $25 dollar per day fine will be added to their property taxes. Make sure the law is well written because there will be weasels trying to say their signs are not political.

— Cortland

Who approved the allocation of Fiscal Recovery Funds? A detailed listing should be published as to exactly where that money has gone. That list includes a sign for a Howland bar ($39,380), a cheerleading group ($25,000), a dance studio (two requests totaling $35,000), and other questionable recipients. Surely, there are more beneficial ways that this money could have been spent. Let’s have some real investigative reporting done.

— Warren

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