
Some killers truly deserve death penalty as punishment


Concerning the Nov. 19 article in the Tribune Chronicle re: the death penalty.

Republican Steve Huffman of Tipp City said only God has the right to say if a person should die.

But it says in the Bible, in Genesis 9:6, if a man murders someone he is to die. Some people would say that Scripture doesn’t count because it is “Old Testament,”‘ but not all Old Testament scriptures are outdated.

Opponents say the death penalty isn’t effective; but that’s because they don’t use it enough. Most people who get the death sentence aren’t executed: Danny Lee Hill and Stanley Adams have been on death row almost 40 years. Someone on death row can appeal their sentence the rest of their lives.

In some ways, it’s still effective because some people plead guilty to crimes because they are told if they confess they won’t be executed. The fear of execution causes them to plead guilty.

And so far as innocent people being executed, if there is any doubt about their guilt, then don’t execute them. But if someone commits a brutal murder or they are a serial killer and there is no doubt about their guilt, then they should be executed.



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