It’s time for this nation of ours to begin healing
This nation of ours is in need of healing from “the consequences” of this past election, especially when we hear of marriages and families breaking up over its outcome.
Most Americans like myself would have preferred not to vote. Neither candidate seemed to win our approval as voters.
It became more of a spiritual battle to “limit the evil” than to win an election. But to no longer love each other is not to love God, because we only love God as much as those “we love the least.”
If it’s for one’s safety to stay away, OK, I get it, but each of us can at least pray for each other to show forth our love for God.
There’s still hope.
When it comes right down to it, we’re not grieving the death of a loved one. Some who can’t celebrate Christmas are really in such pain. (I grieve too.)
“Come and see,” we have found the Messiah.
From the beginning, God revealed that provision should be made for “the recovery” of man (from sin and its penalty). God is “trustworthy” to keep his promise. (What now?) Is God powerless to heal this nation from an election?