
Sound off! Readers share their thoughts

And now we wait…will Bette Midler drink that jug of Drano? Will LeBron, Whoopi, and Rosie threaten to move to Canada again? All those drama queens, that drama king, and those other so-called celebrities have been silenced by the common people who have more sense than any of them. Now, we must come together in spite of our differences and become one nation again.

— Warren

Thank you, America!

— Warren

If you are like me and just want the hoopla and the stress of this political scene over with, all voting complete, no more candidates’ ads flooding the television and internet, and wishing for no violence in the outcome of the voting process, and yes perhaps a lofty goal given the tension of this particular election, it would be wonderful to hear gracious acceptance speeches from both the losers and the winners, then yes, you might be like me.

— Liberty

The last I heard, the vet bills for Nikko, the dog that was horribly stabbed by three children, totaled over $8,000. Many contributions toward that amount have been donated, and that is wonderful. However, why aren’t the parents / guardians of those guilty children liable for the expense? It is obviously difficult to prosecute a 5-year-old, a 7-year-old, and a 12-year-old, but something must be done to punish these youngsters for this cruelty.

— Warren

I have lost all respect for Coach Jim Tressel. A longtime resident of Mahoning County, why would he appear in ads for a Trumbull County Engineer candidate? He has been very apolitical as a coach and University President. What changed?

How much was he paid?

— Warren

Congratulations to the mayor of Hubbard on getting a new grocery store to replace Save A Lot. I’ve never seen you on TV before peacocking like this joker mayor in Youngstown!

We the people have howled to the moon for a new grocery store yet these inept leaders refused to listen to us, but hey at least you Mr. Mayor have the people of Hubbard in mind to get a new store for them! Can’t wait for it to open!

— Youngstown

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