Sound off!
The MAGA cult must believe the deep state has a time machine they used to go back in time decades to publish books and magazines detailing Trump’s salacious relationships with teen beauty pageants, Epstein, Tevfik Arif and Ghislaine Maxwell. What they call “fake news” has been well documented and is actually common knowledge. It’s so bad Stormy Daniels was likely a damage control decoy.
Trump may paint the media as liberal “enemies of the people” but he gave them the biggest tax cuts in the deep state liberal media’s history. In return they keep his most heinous stories out of the press.
— Warren
Because of their incompetence the Vienna Trustees are using speed cameras to recoup the money that is missing from their treasury. There is no justification for this and all Trustees should be removed from office. They have never said what happen to this money. I don’t know about you but I’m not going to Vienna.
– Warren
When is Trumbull County gonna get Hoffman Norton and Stroup Hickox roads paved north of Housel Craft road? Hoffman Norton was partially paved as was Stroup but it needs to be continued to Route 88. Surprised the County hasn’t had and broken suspension claims or Amish buggy damage from the people traveling those roads. Probably use the excuse that there are State game lands along those sections of the roads but there are also home and property owners that pay taxes. A lot of people use those 2 roads for watching wildlife and to access parking lots for hunting and bird watching. We’ll see what happens.
— Bristolville
Conservatives claim the left is deranged because it upsets them to hear a legit candidate for US President admiring the worst international dictators while adding, “You’ll never have to vote again, if you vote for me this time.” If that doesn’t upset you then you aren’t a red-blooded American! Think of all of the Patriots who died for your right to vote!
Trump supporters are the deranged cult members: (examples) trying to incite a “civil” war, defending racist organizations, hording weapons in basements across the country, Q-anon “deep state”, Pizzagate, January 6, chanting “mass deportations now!”, turning away from critical thoughts by saying “Fake news” every time Trump’s weird past comes to light.
— Warren
On June 16th 2015 Donald Trump took conservative America down to a level modern American politics has never gone; overtly racist. He declared the US border with Mexico to be a public safety emergency (rapists and criminals flooding across).
I did my own research and discovered that illegal immigrants’ rates of committing violent crimes are lower than the general American population. This means if we replaced every American with an illegal immigrant, our violent crime rate would actually go down! Also, unemployment would go down since these immigrants are even happy to do many of the jobs Americans refuse to do: general labor, picking fruits and vegetables, landscaping and cleaning hotels.
— Warren
We’ve seen this movie before. In 1934 Wall Street billionaires wanted to stop FDR’s New Deal from “destroying America”. They planned to overthrow the White House and scrap the US Constitution for a conservative autocracy run by powerful businessmen. They identified 10,000 like-minded men to hold positions across the country. But they needed a strongman to see the plan through.
Henry Ford, The DuPonts, JP Morgan, The Vanderbilts and Rockefellers summoned highly decorated madman General Smedley Butler to be their dictator but he said “Hell no!” Trump just said “Hell yes!”
By the way FDR’s New Deal grew America’s middle class to all time highs.
— Warren