
On the record: Bristol

WHAT: Township trustees meeting Jan. 7

PRESENT: Jim Cicchillo, Doug Seemann and Jeff Waldeck


• Heard from Bloomfield trustee Roger Peterson, who invited them to the next Bloomfield meeting to discuss the emergency medical service contract for 2025. The trustees agreed to meet with Bloomfield on the matter.

• Announced they are reviewing bids for a pavilion.

• Heard from Ken Weeks of the zoning commission that the board will have continued discussions on ADUs, short-term rentals, and solar energy systems with information and a template received from the county planning commission. The template was developed by the Ohio Township Association with the planning commission recommending that townships use it as a guide to solar energy zoning. He said zoning fees are also being reviewed to see if they need to be updated.

• Heard from Fire Chief Steve Craiger the Rootstown engine is at the station and is being prepared for service, lettering and installing equipment.

• Discussed how the township fire department will move forward with the idea of a joint fire district with other local fire departments.

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