Girard to raise pay for appointed roles
GIRARD — City council has given first reading to increase the pay of Safety Service Director Sal Ponzio and part-time Council Clerk Monica Urbanic, and will act on legislation later this month to increase the pay of Parks and Recreation Director Mike Cardiero.
The safety service director’s pay will increase from $64,000 to $75,000, the council clerk from $6,700 to $8,811 and the parks and recreation director from $35,000 to $40,000. Mayor Mark Zuppo said all three positions have many responsibilities.
Council will give three readings to the legislation.
In other matters, Zuppo said he will be going to Columbiana to speak to officials there about the Main Street Theater, which is similar to the Wellman Theater in Girard. The Columbiana theater is owned by a private company, while the Wellman is owned by the city.
“It is similar in size to our theater. I want to see what they did to fix their theater up and what ideas they may have for us. Our next step at the Wellman Theater is the asbestos removal,” Zuppo said.
Councilwoman Lily Martuccio, D-at Large, chairwoman of the theater committee, said the bids for the asbestos remediation are being reviewed before proceeding with that project.
She said she also wondered if the utilities need to be on at the theater.
In other business, resident Pat Baltic of East Kline Street asked city officials and council for help as the property next to her on July 4 sets off large fireworks that have burned her property.
Baltic said the problem has been going on for several years, noting fireworks have been set off very close to her house and 10 feet away from her dining room windows.
“This is what they do every Fourth of July. They are shooting off 500 grams. They start setting them off at dusk. The fireworks are set off until midnight. This goes on for hours. It is nerve wracking and getting out of control,” Baltic said.
“I live in fear of doing anything because the people setting off the fireworks have all their friends there. There are 20 to 25 people there all under 30 and drunk to the max. The fireworks and flames have hit my house,” Baltic said.
She said the fireworks are required to be set off 150 feet from a structure, which would be three houses away from hers. Baltic said she had many burn marks in her backyard last year.
“These burn marks are bigger than a dinner plate. I can’t deal with this another year. If I have to, I will rope off my property,” Baltic said.
She said the fireworks are not regular household ones, but ones you would see set off at the Mount Carmel Festival and other big events.
Martuccio said she will speak to Law Director Brian Kren and the city administration about what can be done to help Baltic and other residents.
Fire Chief James Petruzzi said he will speak with Baltic about the issue.