Verena shares adventures with nieces and nephews
Lovina's Amish Kitchen
This is Lovina’s daughter Verena writing. I decided to write, as I have some free time.
I am staying with my sister Susan’s five oldest children, Kaitlyn, 8, Jennifer, 7, Isaiah, 6, Ryan, 5, and Curtis, 5, for eight days, as Ervin’s parents took Susan and Ervin to Florida as a wedding gift.
They took Ervin Jr., 1, with them. Ervin’s parents had been wanting to take them sooner, but something always came up.
My boyfriend’s sister Anna, 12, has been staying with me. She goes to the same school as the three oldest so she has been going on and off the bus with them. I have been getting the children up at 6 in the morning, and the bus gets here at 7:15.
On Jan. 15, Jennifer turned 7 years old. She was excited when my sister Liz’s daughter Abigail, 8, and her son TJ, 6, came off the bus with the rest.
They all had a snack and then went to the living room to play with the toys. My sister Liz’s husband Tim came to pick up TJ, and Isaiah went home with them to stay overnight.
Anna kept the girls entertained, and they had a really fun evening. Jennifer wanted potato soup for her birthday supper. I made cupcakes with that and the girls frosted the cupcakes.
It took me a while to get them settled down for bedtime. They were pretty tired the next morning, but I got them ready in time and on the bus.
Every night after supper, we have been keeping the toys picked up, floors swept, and dishes washed, wiped and put away. I write each chore on a piece of paper and fold it up, then I put it in a cup. I pick out a chore for each child, and that’s the one they do. This morning since they didn’t have school, they helped me clean up after breakfast.
Anna swept the floors, Jennifer washed the dishes, Ryan rinsed the dishes, Isaiah wiped off, Kaitlyn and Curtis picked up toys. They all did a fantastic job! I zoomed around on my mobility scooter giving orders.
Kaitlyn and Anna have been doing the chicken chores every day and getting the mail in. Anna is very good with children and has been a huge help to me. I’m very thankful she has been staying with us. My boyfriend Daniel has been doing the chores for Ervin, but he will not be able to do them this weekend, as he had surgery yesterday to remove his wisdom teeth. He isn’t allowed to lift anything heavy for two days.
On Thursday, Daniel Ray came here to do the chores again, so I asked him if we could take all the laundry to my parents, as Mom had volunteered to wash it for me. Daniel Ray hitched his horse to Ervin and Susan’s two-seater buggy, and we gathered all the clothes. Once the children were home and had their snack, we drove the six-and-a-half miles to my parents’ place.
Mom was making supper when we got there. I had wanted to go to Dustin and Loretta’s to see their children, as it felt so long since I had seen them.
Mom told me I didn’t need to help with supper, so Daniel Ray, the children and I walked over to Dustin and Loretta’s place. Well, I didn’t walk, as I can’t. I drove my scooter and got stuck in every snowdrift. Daniel Ray was always right there to the rescue.
Loretta’s boys were super excited to see us. Twelve-day-old Kylie fell asleep after her bath. Dustin was making supper when we got there. We didn’t stay too long, just long enough for me to get my cuddles from Denzel, Byron and Kylie.
When we got back over to my parents, Mom had supper ready. She made mashed potatoes, noodles and corn. We all ate very good. Mom’s cooking always tastes so much better than mine.
Kaitlyn helped me wash the dishes before we left. We got home around 9:30 p.m. The children changed into their night clothes and they were sleeping as soon as they were in bed.
It is now Tuesday, Jan. 21, just after noon.
School was canceled for the day since it was too cold outside. Ervin and Susan will be home sometime this afternoon. All of the children are taking a nap, as they were pretty grumpy from staying up later last night. They are very excited since I told them Mom and Dad will be home today.
They are also excited to see their baby brother Jr. He walks now and is at such a fun age and he gets plenty of attention from his older siblings.
Well, I better sign off. You all take care and God bless!
Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife and mother of eight who lives in southeastern Michigan. Readers can write to Eicher at Lovina’s Amish Kitchen, P.O. Box 234, Sturgis, MI 49091 (include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply); or email and your message will be passed on to her to read. She does not personally respond to emails.