
Religion news

BLESSING OF THE WATERS: The Blessing of the Waters will be 3:30 p.m. Jan. 11 at Lake Glacier’s lower parking lot at Mill Creek Park. A reception will follow at St John the Forerunner Church, 4955 Glenwood Ave. Vespers will follow the reception at 5 p.m.

CELEBRATE THEOPHANY: In honor of the Theophany (Epiphany) of Christ, the Orthodox Christian community of Warren will host the annual Blessing of the Waters at the Mahoning River by the amphitheater in Warren 2 p.m. Sunday. Bottled holy water will be available and a reception will follow at the Mocha House on High Street.

MISSION SPEAKER: Champion Christian Church, 151 Center St., will have guest speaker, the Rev. Russ Hutson, at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, who will discuss a planned mission trip to Erwin, Tennessee, Feb. 16 to 22. Huston will discuss Next Step STORM which is to share the gospel of Christ with everyone the mission team comes in contact with. Donations will help supply building supplies, heaters, grills and love of Jesus for those facing disasters.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING: St. Demetrios Community Center, 3223 Atlantic St., NE, Warren, will host an informational presentation on human trafficking noon to 2 p.m. Jan. 18. The event is free. Discussion will be on 50 million people worldwide being trafficked. Guest speaker is Father Peter Spiro.

ITALIAN NIGHT: Saint Pope John XXIII Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Campus will host “An Evening in Roma” at 6 p.m. Feb. 22 at Leo’s Ristorante in Howland.

The event will include an Italian dinner buffet, live music with Rex Taneri and St. Joseph cookie table. Tickets are $65 per person and available at the church office, after Masses or from committee members. Deadline is Feb. 15.

GETTING TO KNOW GOD: Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center in Villa Maria Pa. will host an ongoing series “TaNaK Studies for Christians: Getting to Know God, Getting to Know All About God!” with the Rev. George Balasko at 1 p.m. Wednesday in the Mother Madelaine Room and via Zoom. The Zoom link will be available on the website. TaNaK is the total Jewish bible. A free-will offering will be accepted. Participants need not attend all of the programs in this series.

Registration is not required. Program information is available at vmesc.org or call 724-964-8886.

COFFEE AND CONTEMPLATION: Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center offers Coffee and Contemplation. This series focuses on a variety of spiritual and holistic topics. The program provides participants with input from a presenter and includes time for reflection and discussion.

Rebecca Mickler will present this month’s session in person and via Zoom. “Creating the World We Want to See” will be at 10 a,m. Jan. 21. The program will be in the Mother Madelaine Room. The program will be available via Zoom 10 am to noon on the day of the event only. Cost: $10 (lunch is optional at an additional $6)

Registration and further information are available online at vmesc.org or by calling


MASS FOR LIFE: Bishop David J. Bonnar of the Diocese of Youngstown will preside at the annual Mass for Life 4 p.m. Jan. 19 at St. Columba Parish in Youngstown, 159 W. Rayen Ave. All are invited to pray for a greater respect for human life at every stage and in all circumstances.

At the Mass, expectant mothers, fathers and their families will be invited to receive a blessing for their preborn babies. In addition, there will be a “Blessing of Pilgrims” who will attend the National March for Life, which will take place Jan. 24 in Washington, D.C. The Mass for Life will be followed by a reception including displays of information on respect for life and Walking with Moms in Need. No reservations are necessary. Donations are accepted and appreciated.

In observance of the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, Bishop Bonnar will celebrate the 12:10 pm Mass Jan. 22 at St. Columba.

SPIRITUAL DISCUSSION: Unity Church Centre in Liberty will host a new spiritual discussion group with Larry Etheredge at 1 p.m. on the fourth Sunday of the month. It will begin on Jan. 26 and the topic for January will be Recognizing Spirit.

CHURCHES TO GATHER: Churches from multiple denominations will gather for an Ecumenical Prayer Service during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The service will take place at 7 p.m. Jan. 23 at Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church, 9201 Brecksville Road, Brecksville. The ecumenical service is open to all.

EVOLUTION JOURNEY: Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center, Evergreen Road in Villa Maria, Pa., will offer “Evolving Into The New Earth: The Journey to Higher Consciousness / 5D” ​with Dena DeLuco 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jan. 25.

Ready to step into the next phase of spiritual evolution? Are you craving a deeper connection to your own inner wisdom and a heart-centered community?

This one-day program invites participants to explore this evolution in consciousness. Through simple practices, engaging discussions and reflective exercises, we will demystify what it means to move into this higher frequency and how you can align with it in your daily life. Participants will gain:

A deeper understanding of humanity’s evolution into higher consciousness.

Practical tools to stay grounded, balanced, and aligned with love.

Meditative journaling to help you integrate the New Earth energies into your daily life.

A renewed sense of hope, purpose, connection and community.

The cost is $90, which includes the program, lunch and refreshments.

Program information and registration are available at vmesc.org or by calling 724-964-8886.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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