
Patty Kimerer column

Do you remember these relics that were life staples?

So, I read an article the other day entitled “17 Things from the ’50s and ’60s No One Remembers Anymore.” Even though I’m old as dirt, I must admit these things predate even archaic me. Here are some of the items on the list. • Jukeboxes Jukeboxes were the heart of music ...

Do you remember these stores from the ’80s and ’90s?

I recently happened upon an article titled “17 Stores That You Forgot About That No Longer Exist.” Back in the good old days, shopping meant browsing through aisles of physical stores rather than scrolling through endless online options. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and reminisce ...

They may be over, but ’80s still rock ‘n’ roll to me

As a child of the 1980s, I could hardly look away when I caught the headline “18 Awesome Things From the ’80s That We Wish Were Still Around.” Naturally, I can’t get to all of them, but I thought we could visit a few or so. Let’s get straight to it. •Classic arcade ...

Once groovy, some foods are now ‘out of sight’

As I’m prone to do, I recently went down some rabbit holes to an interesting topic for you all to enjoy. I came upon an article entitled “Bizarre Supermarket Products from the ’70s That Are No Longer Seen Today.” Bingo! Here are some of the bygone foodstuffs highlighted: • TV ...

Let’s ‘Come Together’ and talk about The Beatles

I love ’em. You love ’em, we all love ‘em. It’s almost un-American not to love them despite the obviousness that they are not. I speak of the (arguably) most popular rock group of all time, The Beatles. So, when I happened upon an article titled “The 10 Most Annoying Beatles Songs ...

Unique foods found in America satisfy cravings … maybe

I recently saw a headline on an MSN article that tickled my fancy. The piece read “21 Strange American Foods You Won’t Find Anywhere Else In The World.” I expected it to contain like you know, chocolate-covered grasshoppers or deep-fried earthworms or the like. Yet, it was actually a ...