Junior high football a hit at Mollenkopf
I would like to share with you the enjoyable night I had at Warren Mollenkopf Stadium recently. We attended a junior high game between the Youngstown Diocesan Saints and the Warren Raiders.
The first thing that struck me was the very good numbers on both rosters. Student participation in sports is down and it was nice to see so many kids playing.
Then I noticed why. There was an excellent crowd of fans at the game. “Bravo” parents and others, on supporting your children. The game was very well played. The intensity, level of play and sportsmanship of both teams was outstanding.
After an exciting back-and-forth game, the Saints won 20-14 on a late touchdown. These rivals played with a pride and spirit not often seen today. It was uplifting to me. It also brought back great memories of the rivalries played in Niles — St. Stephen vs Mount Carmel and Edison vs. Washington Junior Highs in the 1960s and 1970s. What a joy! Thank you to both teams and coaches. I look forward to watching you progress over the next four years.
PS: Go Bucks!