Issue 1 eliminates democratic process
Issue 1, as stated on the official general election ballot, “To create an appointed redistricting commission not elected by or subject to removal by the voters of the state.”
The proposed amendment would “prevent a commission member from being removed except by a vote of their fellow commission members, even for incapacity, willful neglect of duty or gross misconduct.”
“Four partisan appointees on the Ohio ballot board will choose a panel of 4 partisan retired judges. … The panel would then hire a private professional search firm to help them choose …”
The details are explained in length to be read at will.
All of the individuals that will be making decisions regarding our state “redistricting” are going to be appointed, not voted in and REGARDLESS of their capacity to do their job, WILLFUL neglect of duty or GROSS MISCONDUCT, they cannot be removed, EVER, except by a vote of their fellow members.
If several or all of them become neglectful or incompetent, we are stuck with them, because not one will vote against others if they’re all guilty of misconduct.
Also, the ballot states Issue 1 will “Impose new taxpayer funded costs on the State of Ohio to pay the commission members. …”
Should we pay these members who could become incompetent without any consequences?
Our current districting process may need some adjustments, but Issue 1 is not the answer.
Conservatives say vote NO on Issue 1, liberals say vote YES on Issue 1. With this in mind, which party’s actions (not words alone) defend the democratic process?
You decide.