
Vienna residents receive update on speed cameras

VIENNA — Residents and trustees received an update on the status of speed cameras at their meeting Monday night.

Police Chief Brian Darbey explained during his department head report that the officer-operated speed cameras announced at an Aug. 5 meeting brought in $19,135 last month.

Officials clarified that officers were not just using the traffic cameras during overtime hours and the township pays for their first 40 hours, meaning that if officers work 20 hours and are not on overtime running the cameras, the officers are reimbursed by the township.

Fiscal Officer Jason Miner estimated the township would bring in $18,500 in camera revenue for February.

Trustees passed two resolutions opposing potential actions by the Trumbull County commissioners, which Trustee Phil Pegg said were also sent to other townships such as Brookfield and Bazetta.

The first resolution would reject any Trumbull County Water District rate increases that directly affect the township’s residents after it was revealed that a rate increase “of up to 50%” was being requested, according to Pegg.

The second resolution rejects any sales tax increase that also would affect the township’s residents. The county already has one of the lowest sales tax in the state, Pegg said, but a 0.25% or 0.50% increase could be imposed.

Commissioners may discuss both possible increases at their meeting Wednesday.

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