
Lordstown adds firefighters to ranks

LORDSTOWN — The Lordstown Fire Department is at full staff with the hiring of two full-time firefighters and a part-time firefighter on Monday.

Mayor Jaclyn Woodward swore in Mitchell Graf and Jonathan Moore as full-time firefighters / paramedics following the council meeting. Vincent McClimans, the part-time firefighter / paramedic, will be sworn in at a future meeting.

Fire Chief Travis Eastham said for many fire departments, it has been challenging to find firefighters, emergency medical technicians and paramedics.

He said with the two additional full-time firefighters, the department now has 10 full-time staff, which brings the department to maximum staffing level.

In other business, with the resignation last month of Councilman Terry Campbell, council will be accepting applications from interested residents who want to fill the open seat. Letters of interest need to be submitted by Friday to the office of the clerk, William Blank, at the administration building.

Because of Campbell’s seat being vacant and Councilman Lamar Liming absent from Monday’s meeting, the four remaining council members could not suspend any motions or give emergency readings, so all legislation was advanced to its next reading for the Feb. 18 meeting.

Given first reading was an ordinance to include one bereavement day off for extended family such as cousins, aunts, uncles and nephews and nieces, and to approve items for the part-time firefighters and junior firefighters with reimbursement of $100 for duty boots and $40 reimbursement for one pair of duty pants,

Second reading was given to an ordinance placing a 12-month moratorium on issuing new permits for companies operating trucking terminals

In other matters, council:

• Announced the closure of Palmyra Road between Selkirk Bush and Salt Springs roads for sewer testing work Thursday and Friday.

• Scheduled a utilities meeting for 4:30 p.m. Wednesday at the municipal building to discuss electric aggregation options.

• Announced the mobile food market will be 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the administration building parking lot.

• Accepted the resignation of police officer Michele Mercer effective Feb. 16.

• Announced the community picnic will be 1 to 4 p.m. May 17 in the park by the fire department.

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