
Lawmakers seek to shrink tax tabs

Valley representatives introduce property tax relief bills

State legislators who represent Trumbull County introduced bills they say will provide property tax relief.

State Rep. David Thomas, R-Jefferson, introduced legislation Tuesday to overhaul the homestead and owner-occupancy credit programs while state Sen. Sandra O’Brien, R-Lenox, proposed legislation to change tax calculations for school districts.

O’Brien’s bill would modify a school district’s 20-mill floor calculation to include most voted levies as well as inside millage, including permanent improvement levies. The new calculation, if approved, would save property owners in the state nearly $300 million over the next three years, O’Brien said.

“Ohioans have some of the largest property tax bills in the nation and we have a mandate from the voters to do something about it,” said O’Brien, whose district includes all of Trumbull and Ashtabula counties and most of Geauga County.

Thomas’ bill would change how the homestead and owner-occupancy credits are done, which Thomas said would greatly increase relief to those eligible.

The proposal would change the exemption for the homestead credit from value removed off the property to a flat credit amount given to eligible property owners, said Thomas, who represents parts of Trumbull and Ashtabula counties.

On average, Thomas said the new credit would double the amount of savings to property owners by moving the traditional homestead amount of credit to the lesser of $750 or the amount of school tax assessed to the property and $1,500 for the enhanced disabled veteran homestead.

“This change is vital because currently homestead folks are actually losing credit amount each year as the value taken off the property increases less than the tax rate applied to it decreases,” Thomas said. “By having a flat amount that increases with inflation, we will be sure that seniors will not lose savings and will be guaranteed to see that savings increase.”

The current homestead program is reimbursed 100% by the state to local government entities Under this legislation, that reimbursement would be cut to 50%.

The bill also would increase the owner-occupancy credit to a flat $750 for those who own their home and occupy it as a primary residence. Currently, the credit reimburses local entities for some levies at 2.5% of the cost, saving homeowners on average between $40 and $100, Thomas said.

“This is just the first of many bills to be soon introduced to overhaul, reform, change and improve our property tax system,” Thomas said. “There is a clear mandate for changes from our voters and we will deliver.”

Meanwhile, state Sen. Al Cutrona, R-Canfield, introduced legislation Tuesday to authorize a $1,500 personal income tax reduction for gym memberships and personal training.

“It is essential that we encourage Ohioans to prioritize their health and well-being,” said Cutrona, whose district includes all of Mahoning, Columbiana and Carroll counties. “This legislation will reward those who invest in their fitness and create a healthier future for themselves and our communities.”

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