Trumbull GOP elects Robert Carr to Board of Elections
The Trumbull County Republican Party’s executive committee elected Robert Carr, who owns an insurance agency and is a former party first vice chairman, to serve on the county Board of Elections.
Carr was elected on the fourth ballot for the seat currently occupied by Arno Hill. Carr beat Hill, who was seeking reelection to another four-year term on the elections board, in a Monday vote.
Others seeking the committee’s appointment were Kathi Creed, the party’s second vice chairwoman and a former elections board member, and Niki Frenchko, the party’s auxiliary chairwoman and a former county commissioner.
Carr’s term starts March 1.
Carr, of Kinsman, owns the Robert Carr Insurance Agency. He is a member of the party’s central committee and previously served as the party’s first vice chairman.
Carr was briefly interim party chairman after Kenneth Kline resigned from the position in July 2022.