
On the record: Howland

WHAT: Township trustee organizational meeting Jan. 8

PRESENT: Matthew Vansuch, Jim Lapolla and Frank Dillon


• Named Lapolla and chairman and Vansuch as vice chairman.

• Approved continuing agreement with GPD Group as the township’s architects, engineers and planning service.

• Approved Vansuch to the volunteer fire dependency board.

• Appointed Dillon to the Emergency Management Agency advisory group and to the 911 county program review committee.

• Received $100,051 Federal Emergency Management Agency Assistance to Firefighters grant. Trustees approved advertising for bids for an assortment of hoses, nozzles and appliances with the grant to be used and the fire department’s share at $5,052.

• Set meetings for 6 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month with work sessions at 5:30 p.m.

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