On the record Girard
WHAT: City council meeting Monday
PRESENT: John Moliterno, Sam Zirafi, Lily Martuccio, Reynald Paolone, Thomas Grumley, Jeff Kay, Mark Standohar, Keith Schubert and Mayor Mark Zuppo
•Heard from Zuppo of plans to honor resident Ken David, who received the Congressional Medal of Honor from President Joseph Biden at the White House earlier this month. David is an Army veteran who served in Vietnam.
•Heard from Safety-Service Director Sal Ponzio of plans to rebid the street paving project that includes Park Avenue between Ward and Tod avenues. Ponzio said the city will seek Ohio Public Works Commission money and use American Rescue Plan funds as a local match for 2026 paving projects.
•Heard from fire Chief James Petruzzi that fire calls were 2,183 in 2024, slightly higher than 2023.
•Heard from Zuppo of plans to get a new cemetery mausoleum. Plans are to also get a gazebo and a community message board off State Street. There also are plans for a disc golf course at Liberty Park.
•Recognized Parks and Recreation Director Mark Cardiero as the Willie Constantino Employee of the Month.
•Announced the finance committee will meet 6 p.m. Jan. 27 to review funds for 2025.
— Bob Coupland