On the record: Girard
WHAT: City council meeting Monday
PRESENT: Reynald Paolone, Thomas Grumley, Jeff Kay, Mark Standohar, Keith Schubert, Lily Martuccio, John Moliterno, Sam Zirafi and Mayor Mark Zuppo
• Heard from Zuppo of the need to post signs on various roads reminding motorists not to park by or on the side of the road where there are fire hydrants. He said people are permitted to park on the opposite side of the road.
• Presented the “Willie Constantino Employee of the Month” Award to Joe Danko, firefighter / paramedic, and Rob Golden, water department maintenance.
• Approved submitting an application to participate in the Ohio Department of Development All Ohio Future Fund program for various projects.
• Heard from fire Chief James Petruzzi the department received a $41,156 grant from Ohio State Fire Marshal for radios and other equipment.
• Announced Christmas in the Park will be 4 to 8 p.m. Dec. 21 at Tod Park.
• Heard from Zuppo the new monthly city podcast is at cityofgirard.oh.gov.
• Requested legislation be prepared for the Jan. 13 meeting for pay increases for the safety service director and clerk of council.