Engineer proposes sidewalks on Belmont Avenue
LIBERTY — The Trumbull County Engineer’s Office is proposing sidewalks along Belmont Avenue with work set to begin this summer.
A news release from the engineer’s office states that in cooperation with Liberty officials, the office proposes to install 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks along the west side of Belmont Avenue (state Route 193) from Churchill Road (state Route 304) north to the Churchill Commons plaza.
Officials said the project consists of installing 1,400 feet of new sidewalk, new curb ramps / truncated domes to meet Americans with Disabilities Act standards, and the application of new crosswalk lines throughout the project limits.
The proposed project will link residential neighborhoods east of Belmont Avenue to the community corridor.
Officials said no new permanent and / or temporary right-of-way is needed to construct the project.
Officials said during project construction, a minimum of one lane of traffic shall be maintained in each direction at all times utilizing flaggers. Road closures and detours are not proposed to construct the project. Access shall be maintained to all adjacent properties, businesses and intersecting side streets for the duration of the project.
Comments and questions from the public regarding the project should be directed to Gary Shaffer at the engineer’s office, 650 North River Road NW, Warren 44483 by Dec. 18 via email at or 330-675-2640.
Last year, plans were discussed to also install sidewalks on Belmont Avenue from the Liberty Street / Motor Inn Drive area to state Route 304.
Trustee Arnie Clebone said previously the township received two grants totaling $730,000 from both the Western Reserve Transit Authority and Eastgate Regional Council of Governments for the sidewalks.