

• TRUMBULL COUNTY DATA PROCESSING BOARD will have an organizational meeting at 9:30 a.m. today at the training room at the county administration building, 160 High St. NW, Warren.

• BROOKFIELD TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES will meet 7 p.m. today at township hall.

• CHAMPION TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES will meet 6 p.m. today at the township hall.

• FOWLER TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES will meet 7 p.m. today at the community center.

• HUBBARD CITY COUNCIL will meet 7 p.m. today at the municipal building with caucus at 6:30 p.m.

• CORTLAND COUNCIL will meet 7 p.m. today at the municipal building.

• VIENNA TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES will meet 7 p.m. today at the township hall.

• LORDSTOWN COUNCIL will meet 6 p.m. today at the village municipal building.

• GIRARD BOARD OF EDUCATION will have a special meeting at 5 p.m. today at the high school conference room to interview candidates for a board vacancy.

• GREENE TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES will meet 7:30 p.m. today at VFW Hall.

• WEST FARMINGTON COUNCIL will meet at 6 p.m. today at the village hall.

• McDONALD BOARD OF EDUCATION will have a special meeting at 6:45 a.m. Tuesday at the high school media center.

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