
Legal Notices



Sealed bids for the Purchase of Asphalt Concrete and Asphalt Emulsion (CMS-2S) Materials for use by the Trumbull County Engineer will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Trumbull County, Ohio, at the office of the Board in the County Administration Building, 160 High Street, N.W., Warren, Ohio, 44481, until 11:30 a.m. Warren, Ohio time, on the 13th day of _March_ , 2025, and shall be opened and read on the same day thereafter. Facsimile or electronic transmissions are not permitted.

Copies of the Specifications are on file in the office of the Trumbull County Engineer, 650 North River Road, N.W., Warren, Ohio, where they may be obtained or examined. There is established a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) for said bid package which is non-refundable.

Bids must be made on the Bid Blank prescribed by the County and shall be filed in a sealed envelope at the time and place hereinbefore designated. Each bid shall contain the full name and address of each person or company submitting same and shall be accompanied by a Bond or Certified Check on a solvent bank in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into. The Bond or Check of all unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them by the contracting authority immediately upon awarding the contract or rejection of all bids.

In the event that the Contractor refuses to enter into a contract, the Contractor will be held liable for damages and expenses as provided by law, as per the Ohio Revised Code Section 153.54.

The Contractor shall comply with House Bill 66 which requires in R.C. 9.234 (B), annual audits or financial reviews. It is the Contractors responsibility to provide all necessary financial review forms or audit report for each year in which it meets the thresholds described in R.C. 9.234 (Financial Review Forms (Sections 9.234, 9.238 R.C.)

The attention of the bidder is directed to the requirement that each proposal must be accompanied by a Non-Collusion Affidavit duly signed by the bidder, and a Personal Property Delinquent Tax Affidavit duly signed by the bidder-required by Section 5719.042 of the Ohio Revised Code-thereof. No payment shall be made on any Contract for which no such affidavit has been submitted.

Attention is also directed to all bidders that Trumbull County adopted a “New” Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy on September 7, 2016, and the terms of this Policy also apply to any contractors directly reimbursed for services through the County; a copy of the Policy to part of the proposal, and that each proposal be accompanied by a “Sign-Off Sheet” duly signed by the bidder thereof.

Attention is also directed to all bidders that pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Sections 307.86 and 307.87, effective 09/26/03, this notice of bid will be published one time only, with the condition that this notice has been posted on the County’s internet Site on the worldwide web and found at http://www.demandstar.com/. (This notice may also be found on the Commissioners’ website at www.commissioners.co.trumbull.oh.us).

The Board of Trumbull County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids submitted and to waive any informalities or irregularities in any bid received, and to determine the lowest and best bid in accordance with the methods and criteria in the bidding documents.

No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of forty-five (45) days after the time of the opening of the bids.

Clearly indicate the item being bid – Asphalt Concrete and Asphalt Emulsion (CMS-2S) – as well as the name and address of the person or business submitting the proposal, along with the date and time of bid opening on the outside of the sealed envelope containing the proposal. Please note the hours of operation for the Commissioners are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Denny Malloy; Tony Benard; Rick Hernandez, President

#050-1T-February 19, 2025 #10115


Sealed bids for the Purchase of Bituminous Materials for use by the Trumbull County Engineer will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Trumbull County, Ohio, at the office of the Board in the County Administration Building, 160 High Street, N.W., Warren, Ohio, 44481, until 11:00 a.m. Warren, Ohio time, on the 13th day of March_, 2025, and shall be opened and read on the same day thereafter. Facsimile or electronic transmissions are not permitted.

Copies of the Specifications are on file in the office of the Trumbull County Engineer, 650 North River Road, N.W., Warren, Ohio, where they may be obtained or examined. There is established a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) for said bid package which is non-refundable.

Bids must be made on the Bid Blank prescribed by the County and shall be filed in a sealed envelope at the time and place hereinbefore designated. Each bid shall contain the full name and address of each person or company submitting same and shall be accompanied by a Bond or Certified Check on a solvent bank in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into. The Bond or Check of all unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them by the contracting authority immediately upon awarding the contract or rejection of all bids.

In the event that the Contractor refuses to enter into a contract, the Contractor will be held liable for damages and expenses as provided by law, as per the Ohio Revised Code Section 153.54.

The Contractor shall comply with House Bill 66 which requires in R.C. 9.234 (B), annual audits or financial reviews. It is the Contractors responsibility to provide all necessary financial review forms or audit report for each year in which it meets the thresholds described in R.C. 9.234 (Financial Review Forms (Sections 9.234, 9.238 R.C.)

The attention of the bidder is directed to the requirement that each proposal must be accompanied by a Non-Collusion Affidavit duly signed by the bidder, and a Personal Property Delinquent Tax Affidavit duly signed by the bidder-required by Section 5719.042 of the Ohio Revised Code-thereof. No payment shall be made on any Contract for which no such affidavit has been submitted.

Attention is also directed to all bidders that Trumbull County adopted a “New” Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy on September 7, 2016, and the terms of this Policy also apply to any contractors directly reimbursed for services through the County; a copy of the Policy to part of the proposal, and that each proposal be accompanied by a “Sign-Off Sheet” duly signed by the bidder thereof.

Attention is also directed to all bidders that pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Sections 307.86 and 307.87, effective 09/26/03, this notice of bid will be published one time only, with the condition that this notice has been posted on the County’s internet Site on the worldwide web and found at http://www.demandstar.com/. (This notice may also be found on the Commissioners’ website at www.commissioners.co.trumbull.oh.us).

The Board of Trumbull County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids submitted and to waive any informalities or irregularities in any bid received, and to determine the lowest and best bid in accordance with the methods and criteria in the bidding documents.

No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of forty-five (45) days after the time of the opening of the bids.

Clearly indicate the item being bid – Bituminous Materials – as well as the name and address of the person or business submitting the proposal, along with the date and time of bid opening on the outside of the sealed envelope containing the proposal. Please note the hours of operation for the Commissioners are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Denny Malloy; Tony Benard; Rick Hernandez, President;

#050-1T-February 19, 2025 #10114


Sealed bids in regards to the TRU-YORK ST (GRE #19) BRIDGE REHABILITATION for the Trumbull County Engineer’s Department will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Trumbull County, State of Ohio, at the office of the Board in the County Administration Building, 160 High Street, N.W., Warren, Ohio, until 11:00 a.m. Warren, Ohio Time, on Friday, March 14, 2025, and shall be opened and read on the same day thereafter. Facsimile or electronic transmissions are not permitted.

Copies of the bid package are on file in the office of the Trumbull County Engineer, 650 North River Road, Warren, Ohio, where they may be obtained or examined.

There is established a fee of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for said bid package which is non-refundable.

Bids must be made on the Bid Blank prescribed by the County and shall be filed (1 original & 1 copy) in a sealed envelope at the time and place hereinbefore designated. Each bid shall contain the full name and address of each person or company submitting same and shall be accompanied by a certified check on a solvent bank, or a bid bond, for the full amount of the bid as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted a contract will be entered into in the proper manner. The check or bid bond of all unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them by the contracting authority immediately upon awarding the contract or rejection of all bids.

In regards to DBE/EDGE, bidders must read and follow instructions on page 6 of this document.


Only pre-qualified contractors are eligible to submit bids for this PROJECT. Pre-qualification status must be in force at the time of bid, at the time of award, and through the life of the construction contract. For work types that ODOT does not pre-qualify, the LPA must still select a qualified contractor. Subcontractors are not subject to the pre-qualification requirement. The “prime” contractor must perform no less than 30 percent of the total original contract price.

Contractor compliance with the equal employment opportunity requirements of Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123, The Governor’s Executive Order of 1972, and Governor’s Executive Order 84-9 shall be required.

Bidders must comply with the FEDERAL prevailing wage rates pursuant to the Davis Bacon Act for Public Improvements on this project.

The attention of the bidder is directed to the requirement that each proposal must be accompanied by a Non-Collusion Affidavit duly signed by the bidder, and a Personal Property Delinquent Tax Affidavit duly signed by the bidder-required by Section 5719.042 of the Ohio Revised Code-thereof. No payment shall be made on any Contract for which no such affidavit has been submitted.

Attention is also directed to all bidders that Trumbull County adopted a “Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy” on September 7, 2016, and the terms of this Policy also apply to any Contractors directly reimbursed for services through the County; a copy of Policy to be part of proposal, and that each proposal be accompanied by a “Sign-Off Sheet” duly signed by the bidder thereof.

Attention is also directed to all bidders that pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Sections 307.86 and 307.87, effective September 26, 2003, this notice of bid will be published one time only, with the condition that this notice has been posted on the County’s Internet Site on the worldwide web and found at http://www.demandstar.com./. (This notice may also be found on the Commissioners website at www.commisioners.co.trumbull.oh.us).

In the event the supplier refuses to enter into a contract, the supplier will be held liable for damages and expenses as provided by law, as per Ohio Revised Code Section 153.54.

The Trumbull County Commissioners reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids, and to delete any part of the proposal herein.

Bidders must be listed on the Plan Holder’s List at the Trumbull County Engineer’s Office in order to be considered for award of a contract.


Denny Malloy; Tony Bernard; Rick Hernandez, President

#050-1T-February 19, 2025 #10110


Sealed bids in regards to the TRU-HEWITT GIFFORD RD (LOR#19) BRIDGE REHABILITATION for the Trumbull County Engineer’s Department will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Trumbull County, State of Ohio, at the office of the Board in the County Administration Building, 160 High Street, N.W., Warren, Ohio, until 11:30 a.m. Warren, Ohio Time, on Friday, March 14, 2025, and shall be opened and read on the same day thereafter. Facsimile or electronic transmissions are not permitted.

Copies of the bid package are on file in the office of the Trumbull County Engineer, 650 North River Road, Warren, Ohio, where they may be obtained or examined.

There is established a fee of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for said bid package which is non-refundable.

Bids must be made on the Bid Blank prescribed by the County and shall be filed (1 original & 1 copy) in a sealed envelope at the time and place hereinbefore designated. Each bid shall contain the full name and address of each person or company submitting same and shall be accompanied by a certified check on a solvent bank, or a bid bond, for the full amount of the bid as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted a contract will be entered into in the proper manner. The check or bid bond of all unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them by the contracting authority immediately upon awarding the contract or rejection of all bids.

In regards to DBE/EDGE, bidders must read and follow instructions on page 6 of this document.


Only pre-qualified contractors are eligible to submit bids for this PROJECT. Pre-qualification status must be in force at the time of bid, at the time of award, and through the life of the construction contract. For work types that ODOT does not pre-qualify, the LPA must still select a qualified contractor. Subcontractors are not subject to the pre-qualification requirement. The “prime” contractor must perform no less than 30 percent of the total original contract price.

Contractor compliance with the equal employment opportunity requirements of Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123, The Governor’s Executive Order of 1972, and Governor’s Executive Order 84-9 shall be required.

Bidders must comply with the FEDERAL prevailing wage rates pursuant to the Davis Bacon Act for Public Improvements on this project.

The attention of the bidder is directed to the requirement that each proposal must be accompanied by a Non-Collusion Affidavit duly signed by the bidder, and a Personal Property Delinquent Tax Affidavit duly signed by the bidder-required by Section 5719.042 of the Ohio Revised Code-thereof. No payment shall be made on any Contract for which no such affidavit has been submitted.

Attention is also directed to all bidders that Trumbull County adopted a “Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy” on September 7, 2016, and the terms of this Policy also apply to any Contractors directly reimbursed for services through the County; a copy of Policy to be part of proposal, and that each proposal be accompanied by a “Sign-Off Sheet” duly signed by the bidder thereof.

Attention is also directed to all bidders that pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Sections 307.86 and 307.87, effective September 26, 2003, this notice of bid will be published one time only, with the condition that this notice has been posted on the County’s Internet Site on the worldwide web and found at http://www.demandstar.com./. (This notice may also be found on the Commissioners website at www.commisioners.co.trumbull.oh.us).

In the event the supplier refuses to enter into a contract, the supplier will be held liable for damages and expenses as provided by law, as per Ohio Revised Code Section 153.54.

The Trumbull County Commissioners reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids, and to delete any part of the proposal herein.

Bidders must be listed on the Plan Holder’s List at the Trumbull County Engineer’s Office in order to be considered for award of a contract.


Denny Malloy; Tony Bernard; Rick Hernandez, President

#050-1T-February 19, 2025 #10112



OSP – Facility Structural and System


Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and


878 Coitsville Hubbard Road, Youngstown, Ohio 44505

Bids Due: 2:00 p.m. local time, March 12, 2025; through the State’s electronic bidding system at https://bidexpress.com

EDGE Participation Goal: 5.0% of contract

Domestic steel use is required per ORC 153.011.

Contract Estimated Cost

General Contract $255,000

Alternate G-1 $40,000

And any proper combination submitted on

electronic Bid Form

Pre-bid Meeting: February 26, 2025 2:00 p.m., at Ohio State Penitentiary at 878 Coitsville

Hubbard Road, Youngstown, Ohio 44505. All attendees must pre-register with Olsavsky

Jaminet Architects, Inc. by contacting Tracie Kaglic, AIA at tkaglic@olsjam.com or 330.744.8981. Registration must be done at a minimum of 24 hours in advance. No

prospective bidders will be permitted access without pre-registering.

Bid Documents: $100.00 each (no refund) from Olsavsky Jaminet Architects, Inc. and

electronically at https://bidexpress.com.

More Info: A/E contact: Tracie Kaglic, AIA, Phone: 330.744.8981, Fax: 330.744.4021 E-mail: tkaglic@olsjam.com

#049-1T-February18,2025 #10106





FEB 17 2025




CASE NO. 24CV00694



It appearing by affidavit that the above named Defendant on whom service is to be made by State of Georgia, or has departed from the State of Georgia, or after due dilligence cannot be found or conceals himself to avoid service of the summons, and it further appearing, either by affidavit or by verified complaint on file that a claim exists against the Defendant in respect to whom service is to be made, and that he is necessary or proper party to this action,

IT IS ORDERED; that service br made by

publication as provided by Law

SO ORDERED, this 18th day of February 2025

Lauren Wallace


Superior Court of Douglas County


I hereby certify that a copy of the Complaint , summons. order for publication and notice was mailed to the above Defendant @ the following address: 225 TOD AVENUE WARREN,OH


This is to certify that the within

is true and correct copy as recorded in

the office of the Clerk Superior/ State

Court. Case # 24CV00694

This 18th Day of Feb. 2025




Metropolitan Housing Authority (TMHA) is accepting sealed bid proposal for 25-4 HA Wide Pest Control. TMHA will accept proposals via email only to llaughlin@trumbulltmha.org until 3:00PM local time on Friday, March 28, 2025. The specification is

available for pick up via email only.

Contractors must

register to receive specification. Form can be found at www.trumbulltmha.org click

PROCUREMENT, then Section 9.

Contact Lisa

Laughlin at 330-369-7328 or via email llaughlin@trumbulltmha.org.

#048-2T-February 17, 24 2025-#10102



The City of Youngstown will be accepting sealed bids for:


The Director of Finance will receive sealed bids for the above-mentioned service until 12:00 Noon, Local Time on Friday March 7, 2025 at the office of the Director of Finance, Third Floor, City Hall, Youngstown, Ohio, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in Council Chambers, Sixth Floor, City Hall, Youngstown, OH.

Specifications and bidding forms are on file at the Public Works Department and can be

obtained by sending a request to publicworks@youngstownohio.gov.

Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond, Certified Check or Cashier’s Check in the amount of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), drawn on a solvent bank and made payable to the City of Youngstown, Ohio, as a condition that if the bid is accepted, a contract will be

entered into.

Each bidder must insure that all employees and applicants for employment are not

discriminated against because of race, color, sex, religion or national origin.

The Board of Control reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in bidding.

Bids of corporations not chartered in Ohio must be accompanied by proper certification that such corporation is authorized to do business in the State of Ohio.

A mandatory pre-bid meeting and tour of

locations is scheduled for Wednesday,


February 26, 2024 at 10:00 am in the Public Woks Dept., 5th floor, City Hall

Date Time

26 S. Phelps Street, Youngstown, Ohio. A representative of your company must attend this meeting for your bid to be considered.

No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids for at least sixty

(60) days.


#049-2T-February 18, 25, 2025 #10107












This notice addresses a correction to the Notice of Public Needs Hearing previously published on February 13, 2025. The location for the

public needs hearing on February 26, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. has changed and will no longer be held at the Michael Kusalaba Public Library. The hearing will now be held at the Assumption Social Center of St. Mary’s, 356 S Belle Vista Ave, Youngstown, Ohio 44509. The date and time are unchanged.

Persons requiring special accommodations can make arrangements by contacting the

Community Development Division Director, Community Planning and Economic

Development, City Hall- 4th Floor, 26 S. Phelps St., Youngstown, OH 44503, Phone: 330-744-1708.

#050-1T-February 19, 2025 #10118


Re: Notice of Public Hearing

To Whom It May Concern:

Set forth below is a Notice of Public Hearing which we would appreciate your having

published once in The Tribune Chronicle/Vindicator in Mahoning County on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. If you have any

problems meeting this publication schedule, we would appreciate your

letting us know


After publication, please forward an

Affidavit of

Publication and your invoice or statement to us at the above address. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call.



Reginald L. Staples, Jr.



cc: Nancy Laboy, Clerk (via e-mail) nlaboy@mahoningcountyoh.gov

#050-1T-February 19, 2025 #10117


The City of Youngstown is formally soliciting bids for:




In the City of Youngstown, Mahoning County, Ohio, the Director of

Finance will receive sealed bids for the above referenced project until 12:00 noon, local time on FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2025 at which time Bids

received will be electronically opened and read aloud at Department of Public Works Conference Room, 5th Floor City Hall, 26 South Phelps St. Youngstown, Ohio 44503 Bids will be posted publicly on QuestCDN

immediately thereafter.

Bidding Information can be downloaded at https://youngstownohio.gov/bids OR at www.questcdn.com under Login using QuestCDN #9533508 for a non-refundable charge of $60. Contact QuestCDN.com at 952-233-1632 or info@questcdn.com for assistance in membership registration, downloading this digital project information and vBid Online Bid Submittal. To submit an vBid online bid (which is required for this project) you must download the project bid document file from QuestCDN which will add you to the plan holders list and gain you access to vBid Online Bidding.

The Board of Control reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in bidding.

Each bidder will be required to complete and file with his/her bid, a

Proposal Guaranty and Performance/Payment Bond (O.R.C. Section 153.571) contained in the contract documents, with a surety company

executing the bond. The surety company must be listed on the Treasury Department’s most current list (Circular 570 as amended), and must be authorized to transact business in the State of Ohio.

If the bid is accepted, the successful bidder shall enter into a contract with the City, and the Proposal Guaranty and Performance/Payment Bond shall provide the conditions in said bond, which include those as listed below:

A Bid Bond of (10%) of the total amount bid, as a guarantee that in the event the bid is accepted, and the contract awarded to the bidder, said Bond shall convert to a (100%) Performance/Payment Bond, assuring that the contractor will perform the work upon the terms proposed, within the time specified, in accordance with the plans and specifications; and

conditioned for the payment by the contractor and all subcontractors for

labor performed and materials furnished in connection with the Project.

Bids of corporations not chartered in Ohio must be accompanied by

proper certification that the corporation is authorized to do business in Ohio.


The Bidders attention is also called to the conditions of construction, and the wage rates required to be paid under this contract. The successful Bidder is required to pay at least the pre-determined minimum wage rates as set forth in the contract documents.

This contract is subject to the provisions of the President’s Executive

Order 11246, to the City of Youngstown Ordinance numbers 547.21, 547.23, and 547.28, and the Governor’s Executive Order of January 27, 1972.

A Bidder/Contractor will be deemed committed to the goals of the

Youngstown Bid Conditions by submitting a properly signed bid. All bidders must fill in all of the blanks on the proposal forms in ink, or typewritten. The entire Contract Book must be submitted intact with the bid.

Each Bidder must insure that all employees and applicants for

employment are not discriminated against because of race, color,

religion, sex or national origin.

For the convenience of prospective bidders, a Pre-Bid Conference, will be held on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2025 at 9:00 A.M. In the Public Works Conference Room, 5th Floor City Hall, 26 S. Phelps St,

Youngstown, Ohio 44503

No bids may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for at least Sixty (60) days.




#049-2T-February 18, 25, 2025 #10109






FOR 2024 IS


The report is

available at the office located at 284 S Pricetown Rd,

Diamond, Ohio

Please call for an

appointment if you wish to review the


(330) 538-0078 or (330) 538-3204.

Lisa Balsinger

Milton Township

Fiscal Officer

#050-1T-February 19,2025 #10119



Metropolitan Housing Authority is accepting Qualification

Statements (RFQ) for Real Estate

Appraisals. TMHA will accept


Statements via email only to llaughlin@trumbulltmha.org until 3:00PM local time on Friday, March 21, 2025. The RFQ package is available by email only. Contractors must register to

receive specification. Form can be found at www.trumbulltmha.org click

PROCUREMENT, then Section 9.

Contact Lisa

Laughlin at (330) 369-7328 or llaughlin@trumbulltmha.org.

#048-2T- February 17,24, 2025 #10100